Monday, January 2, 2012

Graceland Tattoo featured in SKIN & INK magazine- March 2012

Well I hope everyone had a good time in 2011. Here's to an amazing 2012! I relaxed with my family New Years Eve & as I couch surfed I got a few messages from friends. They got in touch to wish me a happy New Year and to tell me that Graceland Tattoo was featured in SKIN & INK Magazine for MARCH 2012. I kept the interview close to the vest until I knew it was out on news stands & that's how out found out it's out. In fact...I haven't even gotten my hands on a copy. I really appreciate everyone who has gotten tattooed by me or any artist at Graceland Tattoo since February 14th, 2003. All those tattoos have gotten us a little recognition. This picture was sent to me by my friend Mark, some of the tattoos he's collected by us at the tattoo parlor are featured in the article. I want to thank Mary d'Aloisio for writing the article and making it all happen. She is a great writer, amazing photographer and is dedicated to the industry. It's always great to see her in my travels. Check out her blog to see here talents.